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Family, Living the Christian Life

The Father who doesn’t pray

Little Paul, who is only four-and-a-half-years old, is kneeling beside his bed saying his night prayers; they seem to be very long.

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Educational, Saints & Heroes, Living the Christian Life

The Evil of Slander

One day a lady presented herself to Saint Philip Neri and confessed of being given to slander. “Do you frequently fall into this fault?” inquired the Saint.

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Educational, Family, Living the Christian Life, Our Catholic Faith

God – A Pure Spirit

Now, will you tell us about God being a pure spirit? What is a spirit, anyway?

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Society & Culture, Educational, Saints & Heroes, Our Catholic Faith

Charity Converts a Dying Soldier

“Send for the priest!” exclaimed the dying soldier; “The religion that teaches such a charity must be from God.”

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Our Blessed Mother Mary, Miracles, Saints & Heroes

The Heavenly Baker

In the time of Saint Catherine of Siena there was a famine, and most people were obliged to buy long stored wheat.

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Our Blessed Mother Mary, Educational, Saints & Heroes, Our Catholic Faith

The Power of a Single Hail Mary

One day, when Saint Mechtilde was praying and trying to think of some way in which she could express her love of the Blessed Mother.

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Saints & Heroes, Family, Living the Christian Life, Our Catholic Faith

Saint Joseph Works Another Wonder

This story confirms how powerful Saint Joseph is to help us in our material needs. So, let’s ask, and ask, and not just for our material needs either.

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Our Blessed Mother Mary, Saints & Heroes, Living the Christian Life, Our Catholic Faith

The Scapular – A Powerful Weapon against the Devil

Abbé Francis Trochu, in his book, The Cure D’Ars, relates a story of a young lady who, sought Saint John Vianney, for a general confession.

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Society & Culture, Saints & Heroes, Living the Christian Life

We Grow Old Deserting Our Ideals

Youth is not a time of life. It’s a state of mind. It’s a test of the will, a quality of imagination, vigor of emotions, and a predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over love of ease.

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Society & Culture, Family, Living the Christian Life

An Empress God-Mother

When Austria was ruled by Emperor Franz Joseph, his Empress, Elizabeth, was legendary for her beauty, and also for her love of the outdoors.